Government integrates renewable energy into power system in 48 islands

Ministry of Environment has launched the integration of renewable energy into power system in 48 islands during a special ceremony held on Thursday.

The initiative intends to provide reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity to the nation as part of the government’s aims to increase investments in public and private sector programs and scale up renewable energy share in the country.

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Addressing the ceremony, Minister of Environment, Dr. Hussain Rasheed Hassan revealed that the government has spent over USD 64 million in efforts to provide cheaper electricity services. The Minister highlighted that the government intends to reduce the dependency on burning oil to provide electricity and to promote renewable energy production methods.

He said that under the Strategic Action Plan 2019-2023, government expects to increase the share of renewable energy in the national energy mix by 12% compared to 2018.

The integration of renewable energy hybrid systems into power systems in 48 islands is a project being conducted by the Environment Ministry in association with Asian Development Bank.

The interventions under the project intends to reduce the cost of energy, minimize carbon dioxide emissions, achieve considerable fuel savings and reduce the burden on the government budget. This is the largest intervention in Maldives energy sector development covering about 160 islands.

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