Government Offices to Close as Covid-19 Precaution Until 15th May

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has directed the closure from May 5 to 15, 2021, of all government offices in the Greater Malé Region (Malé, Hulhumalé, Villingili, Thilafushi and Gulhifalhu), as a precautionary measure to curb the spread of Covid-19.

Despite the temporary closure of offices and directive for employees to work from home as necessary, all essential services would continue without interruption by allowing the required number of employees to attend their respective offices. A Minister or head of an office or institution should authorise any exemptions. In contrast, government offices would provide other public services online.

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In his directive, President Solih reiterated the importance of adhering to the instructions of the Health Protection Agency (HPA) to control the spread of the coronavirus. Regardless of the decision to close government offices, the period would not be declared government holidays.

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