Government Opens “Gedhoruverin” Portal for Housing Applications

Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has launched the new “Gedhoruverin” portal for housing applications for two new housing schemes.

As such, applications have been opened on the portal for 3,000 land plots in Gulhifalhu under the “Binveriyaa” housing scheme and 4,000 housing units in Hulhumale’ under the “Gedhoruveriyaa” housing scheme.

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The portal launched on June 26, will enable online applications for these housing schemes announced by the government. Designed to provide information on the eligibility criteria and policies for housing schemes, the portal will also send updates on submitted applications through text or via email.

It is a pledge of this administration to provide housing for all those who need it, including those in Male’. President Solih had announced plans to issue land from the greater Male’ region to address the housing crisis in the crowded capital in his annual address back in February this year.

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