Gov’t Discusses New Regulations for Tourists on Inhabited Islands

The Government of Maldives has commenced discussions to establish regulations governing tourists visiting inhabited islands. The talks were held between the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Cities and Local Government and Public Works, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, and the Maldives Police Service.

According to the Ministry of Cities and Local Government and Public Works, the primary focus of the meeting was to draft regulations that will manage tourist conduct in residential areas. This initiative comes in response to the rapid growth of local tourism across the archipelago, which has seen a notable increase in the number of guesthouses opening on inhabited islands.

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With local tourism on the rise, the need to create a consistent framework for tourist accommodation and behaviour has become increasingly important. Currently, some islands have already put specific rules in place for visitors. This includes signage in local villages that provide guidelines on dress codes and public conduct to ensure that tourists respect local customs and traditions.

The proposed regulations aim to harmonise such efforts across the Maldives, providing clear and uniform rules that all tourists would be required to follow when visiting inhabited islands. The discussions reflect a broader effort by the government to balance the growth of local tourism with the preservation of community standards and cultural values.

The outcomes of these discussions are expected to help manage the increasing influx of tourists in a way that is sustainable and respectful of the unique local cultures across the country’s inhabited islands. Further consultations and input from local communities are anticipated as the government works towards finalising these regulations.

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