Gov’t Establishes Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure

President Mohamed Muizzu, who officially assumed the presidency last Friday, has introduced a new governmental phase by creating the Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure. The ministry is among four new entities established by the current government, which has also sworn in 22 ministers.

The Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure has been separated from the former Ministry of National Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure, with Dr Abdullah Muthalib appointed as its head. 

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As per the official mandate from the President’s Office, the Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure is assigned specific tasks related to government projects:

Standards and Procedures: Develop standards and procedures for government office projects and programs, sharing information with relevant authorities.

Quality Assurance: Ensure the quality of government infrastructure projects in collaboration with relevant authorities.

Tender Oversight: Review bidders’ information for open tenders, advising the National Tender Board on contractor selection.

Pricing Evaluation: Check the reasonability of prices in the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) for government projects, excluding those in environmental, climate change, shelter, and meteorology.

Project Planning: Planned, monitored, and evaluated projects within the Public Sector Investment Program (PSIP) and special government infrastructure projects.

Development Project Formulation: Formulate development projects under the National Development Plan, overseeing their implementation, monitoring, and evaluation in collaboration with relevant authorities.

Additionally, the Ministry will coordinate the appointment of individuals responsible for maintaining completed infrastructure projects such as water and sewerage systems. The Ministry is also tasked with setting standards for government office space and usage in government buildings, advising on space allocation, and ensuring compliance with these standards.

In addition to overseeing development projects, the Ministry will regulate various aspects of the construction sector, including:

Policy Formulation: Develop policies for growth and sustainable development for the construction sector.

Legislative Implementation: Enforce the Building Act to formulate and implement rules, building codes, standards, and regulations required by the Act.

Quality Assurance: Ensure the quality of service providers in the construction sector, classify and register contractors and skilled workers, and oversee their licensing.

Industry Research: Identify changes in the construction sector, conduct necessary research, and share findings with relevant authorities.

The Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure establishment reflects the government’s strategic approach to governance, emphasising oversight and development in the construction sector and national infrastructure projects.

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