Guesthouses Conference to be held on 23rd September with free participation for guesthouses

Guesthouses Maldives is offering free listings for all guesthouses who take part in the 2nd edition of Guesthouses Maldives Conference that is due to be held on the 23rd of September 2017 at Dharubaaruge. Organizers Maldives Getaways estimate that over 200 guesthouses will take part in the much-awaited conference.

Guesthouses who are interested to list in Guesthouses Maldives Magazine 2018 edition have a special offer until the end of August to register for free. Over 5000 copies are distributed across the globe to leading travel trade professionals which give the maximum exposure to guesthouses.

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Guesthouses Maldives is developed solely for the purpose of promoting and providing all essential services to the emerging guesthouses industry in the Maldives. “Guesthouses Maldives” is the only print magazine & conference in the country focusing entirely on Guesthouse tourism in the Maldives. The magazine is published in English with a total of 5000 copies printed and freely distributed to all interested parties across the globe, including suppliers, travel agents and other businesses.

“Guesthouses Conference” is a one-day event held annually with business meetings, education sessions, networking events and interactive evening functions held exclusively for the guesthouse industry. This is an invitation only event with participants carefully selected, personally invited and verified against our strict qualification criteria. By the end of the conference, everyone will walk away feeling satisfied after one day of networking and make new business connections.

Recently revealed statistics suggest that Maldives currently has 6000 guesthouse beds across the country recording over 155 thousand bed nights by the end of 2016. To aid these statistics, Maldives Getaways has launched a CSR initiative where by agents and guesthouses alike are given the opportunity to participate for free in order to network and further develop this industry.

Maldives Getaways suggests guesthouses to register at the earliest possible on before 31st August 2017 to reap the benefits of the conference. Participation is limited to 200 slots.

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