Health Emergency Operation Center (HEOC) has announced a restriction on takeaway and delivery services from café, restaurants or any eatery to the ordered destination, as a safety measure for combatting the severe spread of COVID-19 in the greater Male’ area.
According to Aishath Saamiya, Health Ministry’s Deputy Director General of Policy Planning and International Health, the Ministry will be making efforts to enforce the restriction of movement in the greater Male’ area between 2200hrs and 0500hrs. And under this new guideline, the last call for delivery and take away services will be serviced on or before 2130hrs.
The restriction of movements by the Ministry is applicable to the Greater Male Area and this counts for Male’, Villimale’ and Hulhumale’.
Apart from this, guidelines have also been made yet again, to ban gathering people grouped more than 5 in public, in order to control the spread of the virus. These guidelines have been once followed strictly in the greater Male’ area during the lockdown.