HRCM Introduces Human Rights Business Awards

Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) has introduced an award for Maldivian businesses that guarantee human rights in the workplace.

The award was introduced at a function held at Dharubaaruge on Sunday evening to mark Human Rights Day and the 18th anniversary of HRCM.

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While the award will be given under a new program known as the Human Rights Certification of Business program, the award will be given to businesses that champion human rights, and apply for the award.

The awards will be presented after reviewing six main issues: after examining whether human rights policies have been developed, human rights risk and impact assessment, human rights remedies, discrimination in the workplace, and the nature, size and CSR activities of the business.

Three awards have been introduced for businesses. They are Human Rights Business Award Gold, Silver and Bronze.

HRCM stated that the purpose of introducing such an award is to increase the attention paid by businesses to human rights, and to ensure that all businesses uphold human dignity.

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