A webinar based on the results of a rapid livelihood assessment carried out to understand the impact of the COVID-19 crisis in the Maldives is being organized by the Institute of Audit and Assurance (IAA) of the Auditor General’s Office in collaboration with UNDP Maldives.
“The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic continues to have deep repercussions across sectors from tourism to trade,” writes Iyaz Waheed, President at Universal Foundation and Keynote Speaker. “The closure of tourism industry of the Maldives, in particular, has adversely impacted employment – the pandemic is directly affecting 45,000 employees in tourist resorts alone – and livelihoods, according to highlights from the first phase of a rapid livelihood assessment carried out to understand impact of the COVID-19 crisis in the Maldives. The assessment has also revealed job loss and redundancy among people employed on probation contracts and amongst younger group ages while also highlighting high prevalence of loss of work within the informal sector as a result of services of freelancers, seasonal workers and local vendors providing goods and services to resorts coming to a halt.”
The report was commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Government of Maldives with support from UNDP Maldives.
The webinar will take place on 11th June at 20:30 local time.
The expert panelists for this episode includes:
1. Ahmed Salih (Director, Performance Audit Department of Auditor General’s Office)
2. Raniya Sobir (Development Economist at UNDP)
3. Iyaz Waheed (Executive Board Member at MATI)
4. Dr. Fazeel Najeeb (Assistant Professor at Maldives National University)
5. Rifath Rasheed (Senior Policy Director at Ministry of Tourism)