“Importance of Destination Marketing” report launched by MATATO

A special report on destination marketing of Maldives has been launched by Maldives Association of Tour Agents and Travel Operators (MATATO). “Importance of Destination Marketing” report was launched during a press conference held in Hulhulé Island Hotel to mark the occasion of World Tourism Day 2017.

President of MATATO, Mr Abdulla Giyaas unveiled the report in front of media. In his speech, Mr Giyaas emphasised the importance of strengthening destination marketing and the possible consequences of not doing so. Such as losing the position that Maldives has in the current tourism market. In the past also he had talked about the importance of destination marketing on several occasions.

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This report highlights the positive role played by the tourism industry in Maldivian economy as well as tourism arrivals from to 14 destinations in the past year. Additionally, challenges in the markets and statistics from competitive destinations such as Mauritius and Seychelles are also underlined.

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