Increased Revenue from Service Charge in 2016 from VIA

Velana International Airport reportedly generated an increased revenue of 8% through service charge in 2016 compared to the previous year.

According to official statistics from Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA), VIA paid MVR 537 million, which is MVR 41 million higher than the MVR 496 million received the previous year. Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) earlier reported a steady increase in passengers passing through VIA.

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Currently, the airport service charge is USD 12 for Maldivians and USD 25 for non-Maldivians departing from VIA, however, beginning from April 2017, a further USD 12 for Maldivians and USD 25 for non-Maldivians will be levied as Airport Development Fee (ADF).

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