Japanese Travel Market Targeted in Virtual Seminar by MMPRC, Malaysia Airlines

Photo: MMPRC

In collaboration with Malaysia Airlines, the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/Visit Maldives) hosted a virtual product seminar to promote Maldives’ tourism in the Japanese travel market. Held on May 29th via the Microsoft Teams platform, the webinar aimed to engage around 100 key travel professionals in Japan.

The event’s main objective was to highlight the allure of the Maldives as a premiere tourist destination for Japanese travellers, sharing destination updates alongside industry peers. Presentations were delivered by representatives from Malaysia Airlines and tourism authorities from the Maldives, Malaysia, and Thailand, shedding light on various aspects of travel within the region.

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Key topics included:

  • Updates on Malaysia Airlines’ schedule and product offerings.
  • Launching a new daily direct flight from Kuala Lumpur to the Maldives.
  • Special airfare promotions.

Furthermore, destination presentations showcased the new flight routes, emphasizing the convenience of travel between Malaysia and the Maldives.

According to MMPRC, the Japanese market is significant in the Maldives’ tourism industry, and there has been a notable resurgence in arrivals from Japan despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. MMPRC noted arrival figures have doubled year-on-year, with 23,041 arrivals recorded in 2023 and 9,333 arrivals achieved in the first four months of 2024.

To reignite enthusiasm for Maldives vacations among Japanese travellers, MMPRC said they have implemented a comprehensive strategy comprising eye-catching outdoor advertising within major Japanese cities and Japanese language social media campaigns. Additionally, premium campaigns spotlight the Maldives’ reputation as a top destination through select channels.

Aligned with these initiatives, MMPRC will participate in Tourism Expo Japan (TEJ) 2024, the premier travel expo in Japan.

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