A team of journalists from Germany, Austria and Switzerland have arrived in Maldives on a familiarization trip organized by Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation. This is the third group of Journalists visiting Maldives through the series of FAM Trips organized by MMPRC to promote tourism in Maldives.
The purpose of this team of Journalists is to promote Maldives as a tourist destination via social media posts and articles to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. This team is expected to visit locals islands and resorts from 26th May 2019 till 1st June 2019.
They will be exploring the undiscovered side of Maldives, which is the local island life and Maldivian culture. During their stay, they will get to experience the local lifestyle via local island visits and tasting the local cuisine of Maldives. They will experience the underwater life of Maldives during snorkeling trips and by taking part in activities such as fishing.
The team consists of journalists from Reiselust Austria, Schwaebische Zeitung, Bold the Magazine, Westfaelischer Anzeiger and Freelance Journalist, Dr. Bernd Kregel. They will write articles based on their time and experience in Maldives for their respective publications.