The 8-day ‘Judiciary for Juniors’ programme targeted towards young women and men between 15 – 20 years in the Maldives has closed, with 37 participants having successfully completed the programme and awarded certificates.
The programme conducted by the Judicial Service Commission and Department for Judicial Administration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the Maldives, was supported with UK aid from the British people.

The programme aimed to build interest in the judiciary and judgeship among prospective law students and students in general and increase their knowledge of the justice sector and access to justice.
The programme also intended to attract young people towards career ambitions within the judicial field, including judgeship, administrative systems, policy-making, implementation of legislation and media and communications within the judicial sector.

Judiciary for Juniors supported a culture of transparency within the judiciary, providing key information on due processes (including informing participants of how a judicial system/court case is handled through the due process) to the younger generation who were newly introduced to the judicial system.
‘Judiciary for Juniors’ sessions were conducted by a team of facilitators comprising Judges, Lawyers, JSC staff, DJA staff, UNDP staff, and other experts within the judicial sector, including the Attorney General’s Office, the Prosecutor General’s Office, Family Court, Juvenile Court, Civil Court, Criminal Court, High Court, Supreme Court, Judges Association and Magistrate Court of Kaafu Atoll Gulhi.