Technology has made significant advancements in the past decade across a multitude of industries making it hard for us to keep track of such progress. The dynamic of Education and how it is delivered is being heavily influenced by the rise of advancements in technology or is it? It is high time we rethink how current practices are approached.
Students will begin to interact remotely. Classrooms look practically identical compared to 30 years ago, why? public schools are one of the few instituions in modern times that have not seen any radical change influenced by technology. This is not about computers or tablets in classrooms but the lack of proper utilization of technology to make the work more easier and efficient.
The success of technology in education will still rely on skilled teachers. Educational change will principally be influenced by people, not technology. The human factor in education will always be important. Instead of finding ways to put more tablets in kids hands, education tech will find new ways to supplement the best learning possible.
We will think differently about the diploma and degree. The massive growth in population with student debt coupled with the pressure to keep tuition costs low for tuition-dependent universities and colleges will force an innovation drive with how such programs are offered. Traditional education is very top-down, heavy handed-sit down and read, be quiet, don’t ask questions so there is a lot of room for innovation.
Students will have a voice. Students are ultimately the end of the day an educational institution’s customers. Apart from just studying, classrooms and lessons, educational institutions need to focus on other areas of students such as wellness like stress-free zones and the nutritional value of food & beverage offered. This will become a new focus in ways we have not seen before.