M U Maniku to Continue as Chairman of MATI

Photo by Sun Media Group

Mr. Mohamed Umar Maniku, owner of the prestigious Universal Enterprises has been voted to continue serving as Chairman of Maldives Association of Tourism Industry (MATI) at the 27th Annual General Meeting held at Dharubaaruge.

Mr. Maniku was voted Chairman with support from a large majority of the members. Mr. Hussain Afeef of Crown Company and Mr. Gasim Ibrahim of Villa Group were voted as Vice-Chairmen. The Secretary General of MATI also remains unchanged, with Mr. Ahmed Nazeer, Director of Crown Company. The post of Assistant Secretary General went to Mr. Asad Ali of Driftwood Maldives, and Mr. Ahmed Hafeez of Lily Hotels will continue to serve as Financial Controller.

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The Nine members of MATI’s executive board were also selected during the meeting. M U Maniku has served as the Chairman of MATI ever since the inception of the association 27 years prior.

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