MACL Employees Have Not Received Bonuses For Two Years

Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has not paid bonuses to its employees for two years as the company last paid the bonuses in 2019. 

MACL said that the company suffered a huge loss due to the closure of borders due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, according to them, all employees of the company have been paid the salaries without reducing their salaries. MACL also said that the bonus was not paid due to financial difficulties faced by the company. MACL has over 3,000 employees.

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MACL employees last received bonuses of MVR 7,879.79 per employee in 2019. 

MACL has yet to decide on the last two year’s bonuses. Regarding the bonus, the company’s board usually decides in the second quarter of the year.

The company is being heavily criticized by its employees and the public for not paying bonuses in the past two years.

Finance Ministry has also formulated a special policy on granting bonuses to state-owned companies. According to the policy, bonuses can only be paid to employees after paying dividends to the government.

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