MACL Refuses to Disclose CEO’s Salary Details Citing Technicality

Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has refused to reveal the salary of the CEO of the company, stating that the company, despite being a state-owned enterprise, does not classify as a ‘government institution’.

In a hearing held at the Informations Commissioner’s Office (ICOM), MACL stated that the company does not have to comply with the Right To Informations Act (RTI Act), as it is not a government institution.

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After ending two hearings against MACL on Sunday, Information Commissioner Hussain Fiyaz Moosa said that MACL is a government company and that the company represents the public’s shares.

Fiyaz also clarified that as per Part (f) of Article 72 of the RTI Act, even state-owned companies fall under the ‘government institutions’ category and that it has also been clarified by the Attorney General’s Office.

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