MACL’s Managing Director Mahjoob Shujau Resigns

The Managing Director of Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL), Mahjoob Shujau, has tendered his resignation, effective November 17.

Deputy Managing Director Ibrahim Thoha will temporarily assume the responsibility of overseeing the company until the appointment of a successor by the new government.

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Mahjoob expressed his gratitude in his resignation letter, acknowledging the support he received from the company’s board, management, and employees during his tenure.

Having taken on the role of Managing Director on April 18, 2022, Mahjoob brought a wealth of experience, having previously served in various capacities, including as the Managing Director of Urbanco.

His extensive expertise also extended to overseeing the operations and development of Velana International Airport on behalf of the President’s Office.

The departure of Mahjoob Shujau marks a transitional phase for MACL, and the company looks forward to the government’s appointment of a new leader.

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