Maldives Association of Human Resource Professionals (MAHRP) has signed an agreement for cooperation with the Chartered Institute of Personal Management (CIPM) of Sri Lanka, in a bid to develop the HR professionals network in Maldives.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed at a special gala dinner held at the Water’s Edge in Sri Lankan capital Colombo on November 26.

Under the agreement, MAHRP and CIPM will share technical expertise in developing and building the HR network in the Maldives, work closely with the HR community in offering programmes through the CIPM Business School, provide opportunities to MAHRP members in achieving various HR related certification programmes, and organise cross exposure activities in the Maldives and Sri Lanka for HR professionals of both the countries.
“Having a professional agreement and understanding between a well-established and reputed human capital management organisation like CIPM would bring a great set of values to MAHRP in its mandate to develop the HR network in the Maldives as well as to MAHRP members,” MAHRP President Hussain Afeef, who also serves as the Regional Director of Training, Development and Quality Assurance at LUX* Resorts, said.
“We signed this MoU at a historic time as the institute transforms from the Institute of Personnel Management (IPM) to the Chartered Institute of Personal Management (ICIPM). We congratulate CIPM on their achievement.”

CIPM President Dhammikka Fernando commented: “We are delighted to sign this professional agreement with the first well-established HR professionals association in the Maldives. We have over 60 years of experience in managing human capital development and excellence throughout Sri Lanka and we intend to share, collaborate and support MAHRP in various aspects.
One of the first activities supported by CIPM include the upcoming National HR Convention and EXPO by MAHRP.
During the event, to be held from February 24-25 at the main convention

MAHRP is the first professional association registered in the Maldives, dedicated to human resources and people development.
The association’s mission is to serve the needs of HR professionals by providing the most current and comprehensive
As part of its aim to develop human resources, MAHRP regularly hosts knowledge share events. The association also organized an exclusive training event in