Maldives Emphasizes Sustainability and Diversification at ITB Berlin Press Conference

The Maldives’ tourism officials used their platform at the ITB Berlin travel trade show to promote a vision of sustainable and inclusive growth for the island nation’s tourism industry, a key driver of the country’s economy.

During the “Maldives Media Meet,” executives from the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) were joined by government officials and tourism industry representatives to outline plans for diversifying the destination’s offerings and strengthening its commitment to responsible tourism practices.

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“We are working hand-in-hand to introduce initiatives that promote new tourism segments while also ensuring our offerings resonate with diverse traveller profiles,” said Fathmath Thaufeeq, CEO and Managing Director of MMPRC.

Among the key announcements, Maldives Minister of Tourism Ibrahim Faisal unveiled a new eco-tourism framework, underscoring the country’s focus on sustainable practices. The President’s Advisor on Tourism Development, Mohamed Khaleel, emphasized plans to expand flight connectivity beyond the main tourism hubs, opening up less-developed regions and fostering greater integration with local island communities.

Visha Mahir, Executive Board Member of the Maldives Association of Tourism Industry (MATI), highlighted the country’s success in attracting a broader range of visitors beyond its traditional reputation as a luxury honeymoon destination.

The press conference also addressed the growth of community-based tourism, with Abdul Sameeu Imad, Vice President of the National Hotels & Guesthouse Association of Maldives, emphasizing the appeal of authentic cultural experiences in local islands.

The focus on sustainability and diversification aligns with growing traveller preferences for responsible tourism options and a desire for unique, off-the-beaten-path experiences. The Maldives, with its pristine beaches and vulnerable ecosystems, is particularly keen to balance tourism growth with environmental protection.

The press conference concluded with a Q&A session, allowing media representatives to delve deeper into the Maldives’ tourism strategy and ongoing developments within the sector.

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