Maldives to amalgamate with India to edify Maldivian farmers

Minister of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture Hon. Ms. Zaha Waheed has recently met up with a delegation of India’s National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to discuss the training needs in Maldivian agricultural sector.

The Ministry’s Permanent Secretary Dr. Aiminath Shafia has stated that in the meeting NSDC has mentioned the areas needed for the development of Maldivian Farmers. Furthermore, the discussions were based on the programs to be held in the Maldives with NSDC’s full cooperation. She explained that the plans for the aforementioned programs would be finalized by September 2019. She indicated that the training may be conducted in India as well.

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The National Skill Development Corporation has been continuously establishing various training & development programs widely in India. Hence a 5.2 Million people has been of the corporation development programs till date.

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