Maldivian Slashes Prices for Madivaru Flights

Maldivian has announced its decision to commence affordable flight services to Madivaru Airport in Lh. Atoll. Starting this Saturday, passengers will be able to book these budget-friendly flights exclusively online through the airline’s mobile app or website.

This new service is set at a significantly reduced fare of MVR 949 for a one-way journey to Madivaru, a substantial decrease from the previous rate of MVR 1,377. The move to offer more economically accessible flights is expected to enhance connectivity and travel convenience for passengers travelling to and from the region.

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Maldivian had previously expanded its scheduled flights to three domestic airports. This expansion included increased flight services to N. Maafaru Airport, R. Ifuru Airport, and Lh. Madivaru Airport. With this latest development, Maldivian introduces an additional daily flight connecting Madivaru to Maafaru and from Maafaru to Male’. This is the first instance of Maldivian operating scheduled flights between two domestic airports.

Maldivian’s current flight schedule includes two daily flights to Ifuru and one daily flight each to Maafaru and Madivaru. The airline has expressed its readiness to further increase the number of flights to these airports should there be a demand.

Madivaru Airport, which was officially opened on February 18, 2022, boasts a range of facilities, including an air traffic control tower, a terminal building, an accommodation block, a 1,200-metre runway, and a flight parking area. The inauguration of affordable flights to Madivaru is anticipated to significantly boost both the local tourism sector and the accessibility of the Lh. Atoll.

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