Malé Streetscaping Project will shape a safer more convenient city – President

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has stated that the Malé Streetscaping Project will shape the development of Malé as the safer, more convenient city envisioned by his Administration. He made the statement addressing the function held this evening at the West Park area to inaugurate the ‘Malé Streetscaping Project’.

Speaking in this regard, President Solih highlighted some of the main concerns of the residents of Malé, including the conditions of roads which leads to hazards to motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. He added that the provision of adequate essential services is also one of these concerns, and stated that the new project was designed to address most of these concerns while also increasing public safety and alleviating difficulties faced by the residents.

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Noting that MVR462 million had been earmarked in the budget for the project, President Solih assured that the Administration would accord every necessary support and assistance to Malé City Council—which has jurisdiction over the implementation of the project as per the Decentralisation Act—and the Road Development Corporation entrusted with the public works.

Describing the project as one which would positively affect the community in multiple ways, President Solih went on to highlight some of the Administration’s other projects designed to bring ease to the residents of Malé. To this end, the President affirmed that the development of 3,000 housing units would commence within a month, with work on another 4,000 set to start later this year. The President further assured that the Administration is in the process of revising its pledge to develop 4,000 housing units dedicated for the residents of Malé and that it stands by its commitment to providing solutions for applicants of the Public Housing Scheme – Hiyaa, and the Veshi Fahi Malé Programme—projects initiated by previous governments.

Speaking further, President Solih announced that the project to relocate the Malé Commercial Harbour to Gulhifalhu and the Malé-Thilafushi Bridge project would commence before June.

The Malé Streetscaping Project encompasses road resurfacing, development of a conventional ducting system and underground utility lines, street beautification, parking solutions and introduction of a city-wide public transport network. The streets of Malé are classified into five categories; arterial roads, city roads, secondary roads, neighborhood roads, and pedestrian streets.

The project is designed to safely accommodate travelers of all ages and abilities—motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transport users—in addition to incorporating critical infrastructure for parking, stormwater drainage, dewatering for construction sites, and an active fire hydrant system. It would see the development of a total of 18.08 kilometers of roads, with the first phase of the project set to be completed in July.

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