Maldives Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators (MATATO) has named former vice president, Mr. Abdulla Su’ood the president of MATATO for the upcoming 4 years. The decision was reached during their Annual General Meeting and Elections held in Hotel Jen on the 2nd of December.
President-elect Mr. Su’ood stated that his priority would be addressing the concerns of the members. He added that he will work with international organizations, the local government to provide more opportunities for the MATATO members and that he will heighten the efforts being put into market the Maldives.
In this meeting, several other positions were also selected. Former president of MATATO, Mr. Abdulla Giyas and Mr. Ibrahim Shihab were elected as the new vice presidents of the organization while 5 members were chosen for the board and a treasurer was determined.

MATATO also awarded their partners who had aided them in various ways during this ceremony.