MATATO to host a leadership program exclusively for women

MATATO announces an exclusive program for women in leadership roles and for those who intend to build a career in management. This program is hosted as part of MATATO initiative for 2018, to empower women in service sectors, especially in the tourism Industry.

Organized by MATATO, in partnership with McQuire Rens and Jones Sri Lanka, this program will be conducted in Male’ on 22nd March 2018, at Champa Central Hotel. Themed as ‘Leadership and Management Skills for Women’, this program will explore the opportunities for women to develop their strength as leaders and management staff, while exploring the areas of assertive communication, dealing with diversity and workplace challenges.

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MATATO is inviting Ms. Senela Jayasuriya-Abeynaike, founder of Women Empowered® to conduct this one day program. Senela Jayasuriya-Abeynaike is a Transformation specialist, Leadership trainer and an Executive coach and has held many positions in leadership and strategy both in the corporate sector as well as in the service and advocacy domain.

Through her longtime dream Women Empowered®, she offers specially designed leadership grooming courses and services for women of all ages, in order to facilitate women to rise to board positions and positions of influence, where they can make a bigger and more meaningful impact for self, the business and society. Her expertise is in Business, Marketing & Brand Communications, Strategy, Presentation & Public speaking, Personal branding & personality development, Executive coaching and Customer Service.

Registration for this program is open until 28th February 2018.

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