MFMC and IASL Join Forces With MoU for International Airline Launch

Maldives Fund Management Corporation (MFMC) and Island Aviation Services Limited (IASL) have officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a brand-new international airline.

The signing ceremony, held on 31st August 2023 at the Ministry of Economic Development, marks the initiation of an ambitious journey to revolutionise air travel and connectivity on a global scale.

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With a shared vision to interlink the Maldives with the world and contribute to the nation’s economic growth, the two entities are embarking on an ambitious journey to establish a world-class international airline that showcases the beauty and hospitality of the Maldives on a global stage.

The forthcoming international airline aims to leverage the combined strengths and expertise of MFMC and IASL to provide unparalleled travel experiences, seamless connectivity, and unmatched service quality. This visionary collaboration is primed to cater to critical tourist markets, including but not limited to China, Europe, and Russia, opening doors to a new wave of sustainable tourism influx.

Through this strategic partnership, both organisations are steadfast in their pursuit of realizing a shared vision: to bolster the Maldives’ reputation as a premier travel destination and simultaneously generate substantial economic gains for the country.

As the partnership between MFMC and IASL takes flight, it is poised to not only redefine international air travel but also redefine the Maldives’ global imprint.

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