MIB opens Bazaar Service Centre

Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB) has opened a new customer service centre called Bazaar Service Centre.

Bazaar service centre is located in Faamudheyri Magu. In this new service centre all cashless services will be provided.

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According to MIB Bazaar Service Centre Manager, Ahmed Ashfaq this service centre will provide services such as opening accounts, depositing cash, applying for internet banking and also the Ujalaa services of MIB. Also, he highlighted that this centre was opened to provide a fast service to MIB customers.

At the moment, Bazaar service centre has only three counters but MIB is planning to extend its counters to six and to provide other services in a near future.

“We have opened this service centre to attend the customer inquiries and other services in a more efficient and convenient way. Previously, all our customer services were provided at the head office,” Ashfaq said.

Bazaar service centre will be open every day except for public holidays from 8:30am to 2:30 pm.

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