Milestone Unlocked! India to Commence Seaplane Operations with Maldivian Assistance

The Indian High Commission has confirmed on Sunday that seaplane operations will commence in India for the very first time, assisted by pilots and crew members from Maldives’ national airline, Maldivian.

According to the High Commission, India was utilising Maldives for this program due to the island nation’s trained experts in the field. The venture is scheduled to take off on 31 October.

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Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate the operation of seaplanes bin Ahmedabad, between Statue of Unity, Sardar Sarovar Dam, Kevadiya and Sabarmati River Front.

On Twitter, the Joint Secretary of India’s Ministry of Civil Aviation, Usha Padhee expressed her gratitude for Maldives’ support, stating that this was “a milestone for a new era of seaplane operations in India, unleashing huge potential”.

For India’s introductory seaplane program, Island Aviation has leased a seaplane to SpiceJet Airlines. A technical team from Island Aviation departed for India on October 18 to assess flight conditions and regulatory issues in regards to this.

It has also been confirmed that SpiceJet is set to begin operating 8 flights, of 19 seats, per day.

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