Millionth tourist has arrived today

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The one millionth tourist has arrived today. The one millionth tourist was an Indian.

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In a small function held at INIA, the millionth tourist, Mr. Ali Azkar Godravaala and his wife Mrs. Elifiya were greeted by the Indian High Commissioner Mr. Akilesh Mishra, Managing Director of MMPRC Mr. Abdul Haris along with the Managing Director of MACL Mr. Adil Moosa. The function proceeded with traditional Boduberu music and the Millionth visitor and was received at the VIP Lounge.

In the function, Managing Director of MMPRC, Mr. Abdul Haris stated that it is a good sign for the tourism sector that a tourist from India has been given this title. He described it as an additional opportunity for the industry to grow.

Moreover, India is one top the top 10 countries from where most tourists arrive from. Up until august of 2016, 39,059 tourists have come in from India and this is a greater value than the total number of Indian tourist who came into the country last year at 31,181.




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