MIRA collects a total revenue of MVR 989.7 million in September 2017

Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) collected a total revenue of MVR 989.7 million form tax earnings in September 2017. This is a 10.4 percent lower collection compared to that of September 2016. However, this is also the second highest collection for the month of September in the history of MIRA. In 2016 September the total revenue collection was MVR 1.104 billion. According to reports from MIRA, the decrease in Total revenue collection could be due to a decline in Tourism Land Rent collection, the deadline for which was extended to 1st October as the last day fell on a government holiday.

The revenue contribution came 47.8 percent from Goods and Services Tax, 21.9 percent from Tourism Land Rent, 6.8 percent from Business Profit Tax, 5.6 percent from Green Tax, 4.8 percent form Airport Service Charge and 13.1 percent from other sources. The US Dollar revenue collection for September 2017 is USD 43.6 million. In 2017, except for the months of June and September, MIRA’s total revenue collection has been above MVR 1 billion.

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