MIRA reports MVR 1 Billion in Revenue in February 2017

Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) has reported an income of MVR 1 Billion in February 2017.

According to MIRA, the received amount is 15.2% higher than the expected income for the month, but is, however, lower than the amount received in the same month last year. MIRA also explained that the amount received last year was higher due to acquisition cost conversion fees and lease period extension fee’s received during the period.

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A large percentage of the revenue from February 2017 is attributed to Goods and Services Tax (GST), at MVR 628 million. The second largest contributor was Business Profit Tax (BPT), at MVR 137 million, followed by MVR 64 million from Green Tax, and MVR 45 million as Airport Service Charge. The remainder is attributed to Land Acquisition Conversation Fee and other taxes and fees.

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