MNACI Takes Part in International Contractors’ Conference

The Maldives National Association of Construction Industry (MNACI) participated in the 46th convention of the International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors Association (IFAWPCA) held in Kathmandu, Nepal. 

The convention, themed “Partnering in Sustainable Infrastructure,” provided a platform for MNACI to engage in discussions and contribute actively to the proceedings.

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Key figures from MNACI, including Mohamed Ali Janah, past president of IFAWPCA and current president of MNACI, and Alau Ali, past secretary of IFAWPCA and vice president of MNACI, represented the Maldives in various capacities. 

Aisha Nurain Janah, a representative of MNACI member hotels and resorts investment, Adnan Haleem, MNACI secretary-general, Ibrahim Muththalib, MNACI governing committee member, and Murushidha Ali Manik, MNACI member representing A Man Maldives, also played significant roles during the convention.

Aisha Nurain Janah, serving as the chief delegate, took the opportunity to present the Maldivian country report during the first general assembly. MNACI’s active involvement extended to leadership roles within IFAWPCA standing committees, with Mohamed Ali Janah chairing the Construction Award Committee.

The second general assembly saw MNACI being acknowledged with a plaque for successfully hosting the 45th convention. The contributions of the 45th president of IFAWPCA, Mohamed Ali Janah, and Secretary General Alau Ali were recognised, highlighting their instrumental roles in the event’s success in the Maldives.

A standout moment of the convention was the participation of MNACI in the Emerging Young Leaders Program. Aisha Nurain Janah, representing the Maldives as the keynote speaker, underscored the program’s significance and announced the introduction of the Outstanding Emerging Young Leader Award. This new accolade, with a prize of USD 3000, is set to be presented by the Janah Global Foundation, as facilitated by Mohamed Ali Janah.

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