Mohamed Ali Janah Re-elected as President of MNACI

Mohamed Ali Janah has been re-elected as the President of the Maldives National Association of the Construction Industry (MNACI) for another term. His re-election took place during the association’s annual general meeting held at Meerumaa Hall last night.

The event saw the appointment of 26 members to the executive committee for a two-year term. These members include top executives from leading companies, as well as a significant number of small and medium-sized contractors and industry professionals.

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A notable change to the executive committee structure includes the introduction of permanent roles for former presidents. This has allowed former presidents Ibrahim Waheed, head of FW Construction, and Abdullah Mohamed, head of Amin Construction, to assume roles within the committee.

The senior board positions were filled as follows:

• President: Mohamed Ali Janah

• Vice-President: Abdulla Solih

• Vice-President: Alau Ali

• Secretary General: Adnan Haleem

• Treasurer: Hassan Habeeb

• Assistant Treasurer: Ameen Mohamed

The executive committee also welcomed four female members:

• Dr. Anara Naeem

• Maya Nasih

• Aishath Haifa

• Ayesha Noorain Janah

The members elected include four MPs:

• Huraa MP Dr. Anara Naeem (W Construction)

• Maafannu Uthuru MP Mohamed Nazim (RCC)

• Thinadhoo South MP Saudhulla Hilmy (Sweet Engineering)

• Ihavandhoo MP Ahmed Naseer (Uni Construction)

With 190 companies, MNACI is now the largest association of its kind in the Maldives, reflecting its significant role in the country’s construction industry.

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