MP Qasim states minimum wage cannot be enforced under the current circumstances

Parliament Member Ibrahim Qasim has stated that even if the minimum wage is implemented in this state of economic downfall due to the spread of COVID-19 in the Maldives, it cannot be enforced and will not serve the expected purpose.

In a recent meeting held by the economic affairs committee to review the report presented by the minimum wage board, Qasim highlighted that the Maldives economy is not in a good state owing to the spread of the COVID-19, thus he thinks it will be difficult to enforce minimum wage and this is not the right time to implement it.

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Qasim further added that the global economy is in a crisis and the Maldivian economy as well is facing great challenges.

Qasim’s remarks were supported by the Meedhoo MP Ahmed Shiyam, who stated that declaring minimum wage under the given circumstances as “stealing eggs from the belly of a hen before it lays the eggs, and killing it”.

He further revealed that he is a firm believer in the right of workers to sufficient pay, however, if we fail to consider the demand and supply when setting a minimum wage will push the Maldivian economy into recession.

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