Mr. Afeef Hussain, the Regional Director of Training, Development and Quality Assurance of Lux* Resorts and Hotel is appointed as one of the eminent speakers at the Culture Summit to be held in June 2019 at USA.
Mr. Afeef has been working in the hospitality industry for over 15 years. Experienced in the areas of HR strategy, customer experience, quality management, talent, performance management, and learning and development. The different areas covered in his training programs include Growth Mindset, Emotional Intelligence, Presentation Skills, Time Management, Leadership Programs and series from John Maxwell Books, Up Your Service Superior Service Culture Series and many more.

Culture Summit is a cross-functional, cross-industry conference that brings together founders, thought leaders, and culture champions from all over the world to share insights and best practices on building and transforming culture in the workplace.
The event includes world class workshops where you work in small intimate groups and meet other culture champions. It also consists of interactive community sessions where you will have opportunities for structured networking and facilitated group sharing sessions where you can share best practices and learn from each other.