Mr. Mohamed Ali Janah has been appointed as the president of Maldives National Association of Construction Industry (MNACI), in the 17th annual meeting of MNACI. 34 members of MNACI participated in this meeting held in Hotel Jen on 19th March 2019.
The meeting minutes for the 16th annual meeting and the budget for the year 2019 was approved during the meeting. A budget of of over a million was passed for the year 2019. In addition to this, board members for the next two years has been appointed during the meeting.
This is the 7th time Mr. Janah was appointed for the position of the president of MNACI. During the aforementioned meeting, Mr. Alaau Ali and Mr. Abulla Solih were appointed as vice presidents for the next two years. Moreover, a Secretary General, a Treasurer, a Deputy Treasurer, and 15 Board Members have been appointed for the positions.