MTCC has completed the design and build of GDh. Thinadhoo Ice Plant area quay wall on 4th August 2020. Project works involve dredging operations of 9245cbm, harbour basin dredging operations of 1859.01cbm, construction of a 161m quay wall, and a 10m revetment.

On 10th August, MTCC announced that dredging works for S. Hulhudhoo Harbour is well underway, with project mobilization on 28th July 2020. Project work involves dredging & excavation operations of 88,623cbm and breakwater construction of 114m. The estimated project value is MVR 61.4 million.

Further, the design & build of N. Henbadhoo Harbour is also ongoing, with an overall 71% project progress. Breakwater construction & quay wall construction works are currently ongoing with 78% and 64% completion respectively. The estimated value of the project is MVR 26.6 million.

On 11th August, MTCC revealed that The Harbour Upgrade Work of Sh. Komandoo was ongoing, with an overall 73% project progress. The installation of quay wall blocks is now complete. The estimated value of the project is MVR 29.41 million. The project was mobilized on 8th December 2019.

On 12th August, the first out of 5 shipments of PVC pipes required to develop Gn. Fuvahmulah City internal roads arrived at Male’ port, and shipment clearance was ongoing at the time.

The same day, equipment and machinery needed for N. Landhoo Harbour Upgrade project were delivered to the project site, with partial project mobilization complete. The project is valued at MVR 35.60 million and was awarded on 10th December 2019.

The road construction project of B. Eydhafushi is well underway, with 50% of asphalt work now complete. The project includes developing all main roads of Eydhafushi. The MVR 38.3 million project was mobilized on 22nd April 2019.