MTCC Opens Applications for ‘Hunavaru Technical Skills Development Program’

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has opened applications for its technical skills development program, which includes an MVR 5,000 allowance for each participant.

The ‘Hunavaru Technical Skills Development Program 2021’ begins in August, and will train personnel for various roles within MTCC. This year’s program includes 50 positions for assistant construction site supervisors, 10 positions for welders, and 10 positions for people needed for road development projects.

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The application deadline for the 3-month program is next Wednesday. At the end of the program, participants would be given jobs in the company according to MTCC.

Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 25 and have no prior criminal record. Additionally, participants in the program will be given a monthly allowance of MVR 5,000. If they are participating in the program outside of their home islands, MTCC will be covering their living expenses as well.

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