MTCC Unveils New Dredger “Bodu Jarrafa” and Commences its First Project

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has unveiled their new dredger “Bodu Jarrafa” and commenced the physical works of Ga. Dhaandhoo Land Reclamation Project.

The new dredger was officially launched during a ceremony held yesterday at Ga.Dhaandhoo. Minister of National Planning, Housing & Infrastructure Mr. Mohamed Aslam, MP Yaugoob Abdulla, MD of Fenaka Corp. Ahmed Saeed Mohamed, CEO Adam Azim and senior officials of MTCC graced the event.

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Bodu Jarraafa is the latest model of IHC Beaver’s cutter suction dredgers, capable of dredging at the depth of 18 meters.

The Ga. Dhaandhoo Land Reclamation Project will see the reclamation of 25 hectors of land in Dhaandhoo, as well as the constructions of 1,238m rock boulder revetment and the construction of a 240m Groyne.

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