MV+ Community Impact Awards Held to Honour NGOs and Their Exemplary Community Work

MV+ has held the MV+ Community Impact Awards 2021 last week, on 6th October 2021.

MV+ Community Impact Awards are given to chosen NGOs in honour of their exemplary work done for our community. This year, the award was given to 11 NGOs registered in the Maldives for a minimum of 2 years, and have been continually carrying out work.

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The award winners are as follows:

  • Advocating the Rights of Children (ARC),
  • Cancer Society of Maldives,
  • Clean Maldives,
  • Endometriosis Association of Maldives,
  • Family Legal Clinic,
  • Hope for Women,
  • MERCY,
  • Moms Offering Moms Support (MOMS),
  • Save the Beach Maldives,
  • Society for Health Education (SHE),
  • Zero Waste Maldives.

Furthermore, funds will be raised for these NGOs during the Corporate Maldives Gold 100 Gala event to be held later this year.

Donations are also now open on the MV+ website, where anyone can donate to these NGOs:

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