Nepal Tourism Board Endorses the South Asian Travel Awards (SATA)

SATA 2016 held in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Nepal Tourism Board has endorsed the South Asian Travel Awards (SATA) and has mentioned that the brand will elevate the Nepalese tourism in the region.

Mr. Deepak Raj Joshi, CEO of Nepal Tourism Board mentioned that it’s very important for Nepalese properties and services to take part and be recognized in the areas of adventure services to make the destination more popular.

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SATA endorsed organizations includes Association of Tourism Trade Organisation, India (ATTOI), Federation of Chambers of Commerce and In­dustry in Sri Lanka (FCCISL), Colombo Cha­mber of Commerce (CCC), Confederation of ­Associated Tour Operators – CATO (India), Associ­ation of Travel Agents (ATA) Maldives, Liveaboard Association of Maldives (LAM)­, Association of Professionals in Tourism (APT, India), Maldives Marketing & PR Corporation (MMPRC) and Nepal Tourism Board (NTB).

The brand is one of its kind with­ affiliations from regional associations ­ensuring the process within a smooth and ­transparent procedure. Having a panel of senior representatives from participating destin­ations with firm knowledge and background of the industry making it unique and rich­ when honored.

Over 270 nominations were received from regional top hospitality brands during SATA 2016 and the Grand Gala was held at the classic “Mount Lavinia Hotel, Sri Lanka” during November.


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