New Employment Regulations for People with Disabilities Announced in Maldives

The Maldivian government has introduced a new regulation to improve employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. Plans for this initiative, part of President Dr. Mohammed Muizzu’s commitment to the community, were announced at a press conference by the President’s Office late last month.

The primary objectives of the newly introduced rule are to facilitate employment for people with disabilities, eliminate workplace discrimination, and provide a conducive and respectful working environment. The regulation also promotes equality in education, training, and benefits for individuals with disabilities.

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Comprising 10 chapters and encompassing 36 articles, the regulation is comprehensive in its approach to addressing the needs and rights of disabled individuals in the workforce. A notable feature of this regulation is the provision for people with disabilities to lodge complaints if they encounter dissatisfaction with their working environment or face any issues at their workplace. This aspect of the regulation demonstrates the government’s dedication to creating employment opportunities and ensuring that these opportunities are fair and accommodating.

As of November 2023, the disability register in the Maldives includes 12,011 individuals. This new regulation represents a continuation of efforts by the government to integrate persons with disabilities into the workforce, a commitment that has been evident in the administrations of previous Presidents, including Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and Abdulla Yameen Abdul Qayoom.

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