According to Economic Minister Fayyaz Ismail, there is no political influence in the minimum wage finalizing process and the minimum wage board has the full authority to settle the minimum wage even today.
The Minimum Wage Board is considered as an independent body according to the law. However, the authority to make the final decision is in the hands of the Economic Ministry.
There have been several delays in the minimum wage finalizing procedure as the board has failed to announce a minimum wage rate until today. According to the representative of the Minimum Wage Board and the team secretary-general, Mr. Mauroof Zahir (Matey), the board is facing difficulties in finalizing the minimum wage because of political influences.
On the other hand, Minister Fayyaz Ismail stated that the main reason for the delay in this decision is due to the disagreements within the Minimum Wage Board members and there is no political influence.
A lot of people are expressing their disappointment towards the minimum wage board as they have failed to finalize a minimum wage until today. In addition to this, a large number of civil servants have raised their voices regarding unreasonable wages and protested during the last few weeks.
According to Mr. Mauroof Zahir, the minimum wage finalizing discussion was delayed as per the request of the Board Chairman. He has also stated that it is unlikely that minimum wage will be finalized by next week considering how the events are taking place.