Ooredoo Maldives has partnered with Mission for Migrant Workers Maldives (MMWM) and Maldives Cricket Association to carry out a joint cricket tournament, where up to 20 teams of migrant workers can sign up and compete.
The event is organised to celebrate MMWM’s first anniversary, on 23rd November, to highlight migrant workers and their contributions to the community and provide a ground for their enjoyment and leisure, as a way of thanking them for their hard work. The event will feature stalls around the stadium offering various services such as free health screenings and mobile phone registrations for migrant workers.
The event will be held at Ekuveni Stadium, on the 26th of November, and participation is free for all.
Registration forms are available in the common migrant languages. Forms may be submitted physically to Cricket Board Office at Ekuveni Stadium (10 am to 4pm) or via Viber to +9607384994. Forms are available on MMWM social media channels. The deadline for team registration is on the 23rd of November, 12pm.