PCB Announces New Appointments to SOEs

The Privatization and Corporatization Board (PCB) has announced new appointments to key positions in 11 state-owned enterprises (SOEs), reflecting a significant reshuffle aimed at enhancing the governance and performance of these entities.

Last week, PCB disclosed the names of the individuals appointed to various pivotal roles. Notably, Ahmed Zareer has been appointed as the Managing Director of the Maldives Fisheries and Ocean Resources Marketing and Promotion Corporation (MFORMPC). Alongside him, Munshida Ibrahim, Ahmed Shifaz, Ahmed Yameen, and Adam Manik have been appointed as Board Members of MFORMPC.

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In addition to the changes at MFORMPC, the PCB has made the following appointments to other SOEs:

Bank of Maldives (BML): Ali Farish

SME Development Finance Corporation (SDFC): Mohamed Maiz Munaz

Fahi Dhiriulhun Corporation (FDC): Mohamed Saeed

Maldives Islamic Bank (MIB): Ahmed Siraj

Regional Airports Company Limited (RACL): Aishath Wafaa Mohamed Manik

Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO): Shazna Mohamed and Zulaiha Yumi Rasheed

Business Center Corporation (BCC): Ali Mausoom

Maldives Air Traffic Services Limited: Hassan Miras

State Electric Company Limited (STELCO): Yoosuf Waheed

Addu International Airport: Mohamed Waheed Hussain (new Managing Director)

Maldives Hajj Corporation: Mohamed Rasheed Ibrahim Rasheed (new Chairman)

These appointments are part of the government’s ongoing efforts to ensure effective management and operational excellence within state-owned enterprises. The PCB believes that these changes will bring fresh perspectives and enhanced leadership to these organisations, driving forward their strategic goals and improving service delivery.

The PCB has expressed confidence in the newly appointed individuals, highlighting their expertise and commitment to contributing positively to the respective organisations. This strategic move is expected to bolster the overall performance and accountability of state-owned enterprises in the Maldives, ultimately benefiting the nation’s economy and its citizens.

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