Preparations Underway to Impose ADF

Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) has reportedly completed the guidelines for imposing Airport Development Fee (ADF), a special fee levied to raise capital for an 800million dollar developmental project for Velana International Airport, and has forwarded the guidelines to the Attorney General’s office for counsel.

ADF is a new fee to be levied from all passengers departing from Velana International Airport (VIA). All non-Maldivians will have to pay USD25 and Maldivians will have to pay USD12 as ADF beginning from 1st April 2017. According to MIRA, all airlines operating in VIA will have to pay ADF to MIRA as per the guidelines to be announced later, and that the guidelines have been prepared to make the procedure as easy and convenient as possible by incorporating ADF into the ticketing procedure.

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Airport Service Charge is already levied from all passengers passing through VIA, at a rate of 25USD for non-Maldivians and 12USD for Maldivians. With the addition of ADF, non-Maldivians will be levied a total of USD50 and Maldivians will be levied a total of USD24.


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