President attends ILO centenary ceremony

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has attended the ceremony to mark the centenary of the International Labour Organization (ILO). The ceremony was held at the National Art Gallery this afternoon.

A special event to hoist the flags of Maldives and ILO was carried out prior the ceremony.

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President Solih presented the ILO Maldives Country Director Ms Simrin Singh with a commemorative coin on the special occasion. An MoU between the Ministry of Economic Development and ILO was also signed during the ceremony. The MoU was signed by Minister Fayyaz Ismail on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development and Ms Simrin Singh on behalf of ILO.

A video presentation “Universal and Lasting Peace – ILO Centenary” was displayed at the ceremony. Maldives is the youngest Southeast Asian member state of ILO.

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