Ref Cool Electronics to introduce TV bundle sales promotion

Ref Cool Electronics has announced plans to introduce TV bundle packages in partnership with Medianet, starting this November 2019.

All TVs sold at the home appliance outlet will be available to pair with set-top boxes from Medianet. Their introductory offer will roll out on November 1, 2019, pairing all available 4K UHD TVs at the outlet with the M580 set-top box from Medianet, with more offers to follow in the coming weeks.

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The collaborative packages will be introduced at Ref Cool Electronics outlet in Fareedhee Magu in time for the annual Ref Cool retail outlets (Ref Cool, Let’s Cool Male’ branch, Let’s Cool Hulhumale’ branch, Cool Ride and Ref Cool Electronics) year-end sale that will also kick-off on November 1, 2019.

Customers stand a chance to purchase goods at discounted rates between 05% to 30% at the stores.

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