CTL Strategies is conducting a full day seminar on Recent Developments in BPT and WHT. The seven-hour seminar is designed to give participants an in-depth understanding of the BPT and WHT regimes, including the recent updates to those regimes via Tax Rulings and other decisions made by the MIRA. As scheduled, the seminar will be held on Saturday, 13 April 2019 in Male’.
The seminar is targeted at tourist resorts, hotels, guesthouses, safari boats, dive and water sports centres, spas, businesses in construction and development, and international and domestic air transport and shipping operators. Some of the topics covered include the fundamental concepts underlying the BPT and WHT tax regimes, and MIRA’s current interpretation of those concepts, and recent developments that arose via rulings and decisions made by the MIRA and how that will impact transactions undertaken by MNE’s and large enterprises. Seminar participants with the requisite professional qualifications can benefit from the content of the seminar as part of their Continuing Professional Development requirements. Registrants who attend the seminar will be given a certificate of completion to fulfil their CPD hours.
For more information on the seminar and registration procedures, download the seminar brochure from the link or call them on +960 7956996.